The 2nd grade fall Greenhouse program is filled with exciting plant science and hands on gardening activities.
Each week students explore plant parts and function with projects and experiments that are designed to build on basic knowledge through experiential learning. The students pull apart a whole plant to identify parts, use their senses to explore, set up experiments with the plant parts to demonstrate function, used the plant parts to make a tasty treat by pressing cider and grow and care for their own plant that they start from seeds. Students document their activities and findings in their own personalized notebooks. Other exciting activities include planting fall bulbs of garlic and daffodils, for the students to look forward to seeing grow when they return in the spring!
Students return in the spring to start seedlings that will then be used to plant their school gardens.
This multi-seasonal program offers a complete look at plant care, nutrition and offers a variety of exciting hands on opportunities to students.